Disability Empowerment Project

The Disability Empowerment Project (DEP) aims to support YPWD to engage in activities from which they have traditionally been excluded from due to inaccessibility. By developing YPWD’s self-advocacy skills, we can support them to exercise their rights, ultimately fostering autonomy and overcoming barriers.

DEP focuses on 3 key components:

  1. Self-Advocacy Training:
    We provide comprehensive training to equip YPWD with self-advocacy skills and a deeper understanding of their rights. Through this training, participants gain the knowledge and tools to effectively advocate for themselves, navigate challenges, and identify the support(s) they need to fully participate in their communities. By developing their capacity for self-advocacy, YPWD gain the confidence to overcome barriers and take control of their lives.
  2. Podcast Series:
    Nothing Without Us! Listen to YPWD share their lived experiences and lessons learned around self-advocacy. Through these narratives, YPWD will give voice to their experiences and inspire others in the broader community. The podcast series serves as a platform to raise awareness, promote understanding, and foster inclusion by showcasing the strength and resilience of YPWD. Check out our podcast here!
  3. Disabled Enough? Self Advocacy Magazine: Utilising lessons from the training and podcast series, YPWD have developed a magazine covering topics such as Community Advocates, Interdependence, writing complaints, and added colouring in and cross-words! Check out Disabled Enough? here.

For businesses:

We invite businesses and organisations to actively engage with the Disability Empowerment Project and share in the journey of empowerment. Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Support the DEP by contributing resources, expertise, or funding to help expand the reach and impact of the project.
  • Provide opportunities for DEP participants to engage in meaningful activities within your organisation, fostering inclusion and creating a more diverse workforce.
  • Share the valuable insights and context developed during the course of the project, helping to inform policies, practices, and initiatives that promote accessibility and empower YPWD.

To learn more about how your business or organisation can get involved in the Disability Empowerment Project, please contact us at dep@ydan.com.au.