
Since 2016 the Youth Disability Advocacy Network Inc. has provided a variety of services to organisations throughout WA. This includes workshops, presentations, specialist audits, and consultations. We are dedicated to assisting organisations to create a more inclusive environment for young people with disabilities. Furthermore, we aim to create events for our community which are steered by young people with disabilities.


YDAN presents several hands-on, professional workshops for all ages and needs. They are created and led by young people with disabilities, and draws on both research and their experiences and stories.


Book one of YDAN’s passionate young people with disabilities to provide their unique insights when speaking at one of your meetings, forums or events on an issue/topic of your choice.


YDAN can provide tailored audits conducted by young people with disabilities, which provides comprehensive experiential feedback on access and appeal to youth for your service, venue or event.


YDAN aims to assist organisations to create inclusive activities, spaces and policies though our consultation process. Our consultation process aims to gather direct feedback from young people with disabilities through mechanisms like co-designs and surveys. By listening to members of our community, YDAN can provide accurate feedback through bespoke reporting to assist organisations in implementing change. Co-designs are essential in YDAN fulfilling its duty to create events for our community, by our community.