The UNLEASHED project aims to empower young people with disabilities (YPWD) by supporting their confidence in employment settings through a set of e-learning modules, workshops, and networking events. The project addresses barriers to employment for YPWD and raises awareness amongst employers about the valuable contributions YPWD can make to the workforce. We believe that every young person deserves a chance to thrive in the workforce and make meaningful contributions to their community.

The UNLEASHED Project:

  • Builds the individual capacity of YPWD to increase job readiness and develop skills that can lead to better employment opportunities.
  • Facilitates networking opportunities with potential employers, allowing YPWD to develop relationships with mentors and access employment leads.
  • Provides YPWD with the skills and opportunities to share their stories through various expressive forms, with a particular emphasis on public speaking.

For businesses:

As a business in Western Australia, you have a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact through the UNLEASHED Project. Join us and contribute to the empowerment of YPWD in two meaningful ways:

  1. Networking Event Participation:
    Be part of our exclusive networking event designed to connect businesses with talented YPWD who are eager to explore employment opportunities. This event provides a platform for you to engage with YPWD, learn about their unique skills and experiences, and identify potential job placements within your organisation. By participating, you actively contribute to creating a more inclusive workforce, fostering diversity, and unlocking the untapped potential of YPWD.
  2. Mentorship Opportunities:
    Become a mentor and play a vital role in the professional development of YPWD. Your guidance, expertise, and industry insights can make a profound impact on their career journeys. As a mentor, you provide support, share knowledge, and help YPWD navigate the challenges they may face. By becoming a mentor, you actively contribute to building a more inclusive and supportive professional community.

Your participation in the UNLEASHED Project is an opportunity to be part of a positive change, shaping a more inclusive society and empowering young individuals with disabilities. Together, we can create an environment where every young person has equal opportunities to thrive and make valuable contributions.

To join us in making a difference, please reach out to us at UNLEASHED@ydan.com.au . We would be thrilled to provide more details about the upcoming networking event, mentorship opportunities, and how your business can actively contribute to this transformative initiative.