Your Rights and Access at Work

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What can you expect from employers and employment?

All Australians have workplace rights and entitlements required by law.

These include:

  • Wages paid accurately and on time
  • Job training and support
  • Healthy and safe workplace environments
  • Equal employment, pay and promotion opportunities
  • Have adjustments to your workplace made, including for accessibility

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person, in many areas of public life, including employment, because of their disability.

What can employers expect from you?

Employee expectations can be in relation to your role, performance and behaviours.

Role-specific expectations are typically outlined in a job description. They consist of tasks that are to be completed by your role, and to what standard.

Performance expectations are typically specified in ‘key performance indicators’, also known as KPIs. They are quantifiable measurements of how well a team or individual is progress towards targets they aim to reach by specific deadlines.

Behavioural expectations are typically consistent across the organisation. Examples include:

  • Be punctual and meet deadlines
  • Work collaboratively in a team
  • Work productively and efficiently
  • Comply with workplace policies and procedures (including health and safety practices)
  • Conduct themselves in a professional manner
  • Dress appropriately

Fair employment Resources

There are legislation and resources available that detail your rights as an employee.

It’s important to understand what your rights are and whether your rights have been taken away.

Select the button below to learn more.

Fair Work Ombudsman: Employees with disability

Select this button to learn more about your rights as an employee with a disability

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Disability Gateway: Western Australia - Your employment rights

Select this button to access a range of resources regarding your employment rights as a worker

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Australian Human Rights Commission: Disability discrimination

Select this button to access A Quick Reference guide to the Disability discrimination act 1992

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Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Select this button to access the Disability discrimination act 1992

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Fair work Act 2009

Select this button to access the Fair work Act 2009

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If you have an employment issue, you may need to seek support from a third party, such as: