Ways to Give

Support our Cause: Donate to Help Create Positive Change!

Thank you for considering making a donation to the Youth Disability Advocacy Network (YDAN). As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely on funding to maintain our operations and continue our vital projects. Your generous contribution will directly support the AIM, DEP, and UNLEASHED projects, making a tangible difference in the lives of young people with disabilities.

Why Donate to YDAN?

  1. Empowering Young People: Your donation helps us empower young people with disabilities, providing them with the resources, opportunities, and support they need to thrive. By contributing to YDAN, you become an active participant in creating positive change and fostering inclusivity.
  2. Supporting Transformational Projects: The AIM, DEP, and UNLEASHED projects are at the heart of our mission. UNLEASHED focuses on increasing job-readiness and employment opportunities, DEP empowers young people to advocate for themselves, and AIM promotes accessibility and inclusion. By donating, you directly support these projects and help us create a more inclusive society.
  3. Making an Impact: Every donation, no matter the size, has a significant impact. Your contribution enables us to expand our reach, improve our programs, and reach more young people with disabilities. Together, we can create a brighter future and ensure that every young person has equal opportunities to succeed.

How to Donate

  1. Financial Donations: Your financial contribution will directly support our projects and initiatives. Please find our bank account details below for making a financial donation:

    BSB: 066118
    Account Number: 10418268

    We greatly appreciate your financial support, which allows us to continue our important work.

  1. In-Kind Donations: If you would like to donate resources that can be used in the running of our organisation or at events (such as fidget toys, stationery, etc.), please send us an email at hello@ydan.com.au. We would be delighted to discuss how your donation can support our activities and make a positive impact.

Your support matters!

On behalf of YDAN and the young people we serve, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your generosity. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at hello@ydan.com.au