Support Services
You’re not alone – support is always available. Below is a list of organisations that provide Australians with support for various needs.
Select the + buttons to reveal the organisations.
Mental Health
- Beyond Blue – Provides information and support regarding mental health. Phone: 1300 22 4636. There are also forums and online webchat. Available 24/7.
- Headspace – A national youth mental health foundation available online and over the phone. Phone: 1800 650 890.
- ReachOut – An online mental health service for young Australians. Provides information and resources on a range of topics. You can book a ‘Peer Chat’ with a peer worker to discuss anything on your mind. There is also an online community where you can discuss various topics, ask questions and share your experiences anonymously
Future and Career Planning
- Your Career – Provides career information that helps people plan and manage their career.
- Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET)– Support students with disability in post-secondary education.
- UniReady Enabling Program – Help you qualify for entry into a range of university undergraduate courses offered by Curtin University
- Transition to Work – Helps young people aged 15 to 24 to gain skills and support to transition into work, apprenticeships, education and training.
- Job Access – People with disabilities can receive assistance to find and keep jobs, get promoted to better jobs, upgrade or expand their workplace skills.
Additional support services and community groups
- Kin (formerly known as The Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre (EDAC)) – The peak advocacy organisation in WA and aims to safeguard the rights of ethnic people with disabilities and their families.
- Western Australia Individual Services (WAiS) – A small member-based organisation that supports people, families and service providers in understanding, designing and developing individualised self directed supports and services. Valuable information for planning and self-managing your NDIS.
- WA National Disability Insurance Scheme (WA NDIS) – Information on how to access support through this scheme.
- Ability Centre – Recreation, life after school and community inclusion support. Phone: 1300 106 106.
- Access WA – A Comprehensive guide to information on accessible business, attractions and community facilities with Western Australia. Phone: 9426 9384.
- Inclusion WA– Community Inclusion service and social clubs. Assisting people to live their best life.
- Swan Friendship Club Inc WA – Provides recreational activities in the community for young people with disabilities between 12 and 25 years, based at Altone Park Leisure Centre, Beechboro.
- Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre (EDAC) – Services for people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) backgrounds or English as a second language (ESL). Phone: (08) 9388 7455.
- People with Disabilities WA INC – Issue-based and short-term advocacy for complex, short-term issues. Phone: (08) 9485 8900.
- Children with Disabilities – Advocacy for people aged 0-25 years. Phone: 1800 222 660.
- Disability Discrimination Unit – Unit only deals with discrimination issues based on a person’s disability under either the Federal Disability Discrimination Act (1992) or the Western Australia Equal Opportunity Act (1984).
- National Relay Service – The National Relay Service is an Australia-wide phone service for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment. TTY/voice calls: 133 677. Speak and listen: 1300 555 727. SMS relay: 0423 677 767
- AT Chat – AT Chat is a peer-led, co-designed community for assistive technology (AT) users to share information and lived experience about AT. Phone: 08 6202 4700.
- Arts Access Australia – The national peak body for arts and disability. Phone: 0419 201 338.
- Disability in the Arts and Disadvantaged in the Arts WA (DADAA) – Non-for-profit organisation that aims to create inclusion and opportunities through arts and culture programs for Western Australians who are living with a disability or mental illness. Phone: (08) 9430 6616.
- Livewire – Livewire is an online community designed just for young people living with a serious illness, chronic health condition or disability, and their families. It is a safe online space where members can connect and share experiences with others who understand what they are going through. Phone: (02) 8425 5971.
- Secca – Supports people with disabilities to learn about human relationships, sexuality and sexual health. Phone: (08) 9420 7226.
Unleashed resources
Below are the resources provided for Unleashed.
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