Resource summary

Support Services

You’re not alone – support is always available. Below is a list of organisations that provide Australians with support for various needs.

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  • Beyond Blue – Provides information and support regarding mental health. Phone: 1300 22 4636. There are also forums and online webchat. Available 24/7.
  • Headspace – A national youth mental health foundation available online and over the phone. Phone: 1800 650 890.
  • ReachOut – An online mental health service for young Australians. Provides information and resources on a range of topics. You can book a ‘Peer Chat’ with a peer worker to discuss anything on your mind. There is also an online community where you can discuss various topics, ask questions and share your experiences anonymously
  • Your Career – Provides career information that helps people plan and manage their career.
  • Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET)– Support students with disability in post-secondary education.
  • UniReady Enabling Program – Help you qualify for entry into a range of university undergraduate courses offered by Curtin University
  • Transition to Work – Helps young people aged 15 to 24 to gain skills and support to transition into work, apprenticeships, education and training.
  • Job Access – People with disabilities can receive assistance to find and keep jobs, get promoted to better jobs, upgrade or expand their workplace skills.
  • Kin (formerly known as The Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre (EDAC)) – The peak advocacy organisation in WA and aims to safeguard the rights of ethnic people with disabilities and their families.
  • Western Australia Individual Services (WAiS) – A small member-based organisation that supports people, families and service providers in understanding, designing and developing individualised self directed supports and services. Valuable information for planning and self-managing your NDIS.
  • WA National Disability Insurance Scheme (WA NDIS) – Information on how to access support through this scheme.
  • Ability Centre – Recreation, life after school and community inclusion support. Phone: 1300 106 106.
  • Access WA – A Comprehensive guide to information on accessible business, attractions and community facilities with Western Australia. Phone: 9426 9384.
  • Inclusion WA– Community Inclusion service and social clubs. Assisting people to live their best life.
  • Swan Friendship Club Inc WA – Provides recreational activities in the community for young people with disabilities between 12 and 25 years, based at Altone Park Leisure Centre, Beechboro.
  • Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre (EDAC) – Services for people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) backgrounds or English as a second language (ESL). Phone: (08) 9388 7455.
  • People with Disabilities WA INC – Issue-based and short-term advocacy for complex, short-term issues. Phone: (08) 9485 8900.
  • Children with Disabilities – Advocacy for people aged 0-25 years. Phone: 1800 222 660.
  • Disability Discrimination Unit – Unit only deals with discrimination issues based on a person’s disability under either the Federal Disability Discrimination Act (1992) or the Western Australia Equal Opportunity Act (1984).
  • National Relay Service – The National Relay Service is an Australia-wide phone service for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment. TTY/voice calls: 133 677. Speak and listen: 1300 555 727. SMS relay: 0423 677 767
  • AT Chat – AT Chat is a peer-led, co-designed community for assistive technology (AT) users to share information and lived experience about AT. Phone: 08 6202 4700.
  • Arts Access Australia – The national peak body for arts and disability. Phone: 0419 201 338.
  • Disability in the Arts and Disadvantaged in the Arts WA (DADAA) – Non-for-profit organisation that aims to create inclusion and opportunities through arts and culture programs for Western Australians who are living with a disability or mental illness. Phone: (08) 9430 6616.
  • Livewire – Livewire is an online community designed just for young people living with a serious illness, chronic health condition or disability, and their families. It is a safe online space where members can connect and share experiences with others who understand what they are going through. Phone: (02) 8425 5971.
  • Secca – Supports people with disabilities to learn about human relationships, sexuality and sexual health. Phone: (08) 9420 7226.

Unleashed resources

Below are the resources provided for Unleashed.

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